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Our Roasters
where we put all our passion for coffee


To make an exceptional coffee,
it takes a lot of hard work

When we set out for the first time in search of specialty coffees, we started roasting at the same time that we learned how to extract the drink, we visited numerous farms in Brazil and specialized coffee shops in several countries, such as the United States, Mexico, United Kingdom, several countries in Europe, even reaching countries like Russia and China.

We have come a long way in recent years and today we can say that we have had the pleasure of learning alongside some of the best coffee producers, “ coffee hunters”, baristas, and equipment manufacturers in the world, which we are proud to call them family

We work with people who share our enthusiasm for excellent service, selecting and roasting beans, training baristas, and providing a unique specialty coffee experience. Today we are members of the Council of Coffee Exporters from Brazil (Cecafé), BSCA (Brazilian Specialty Coffee Association), Rainforest (a Sustainable and Fairtrade coffee), the International Coffee Organization, and ABIC (Brazilian Association of Coffee Industry of Coffee).


Micro roasting
a mix of science and art

The journey continues when these beans are roasted, transforming the aromatic potential of each bean through roasting. Care that follows maturation curves with the supervision of our roasting masters. Our roasting is the heart of what we do, where we put all our passion for coffee.

We want to honor these people who have worked so hard and we want to allow the best aromas and flavors to be released from each grain. This is our role and our responsibility, a mixture of science and art, taking on the challenge of serving every day, something special in your cup.

That's why we often roast our beans in small quantities so that we can always offer you a fresh roast to be savored. Our roasting is open for coffee lovers and professionals in the area to visit. We will always be willing to show and teach you a little more about this complex art of transforming green beans into the best specialty coffees!

The process

of turning the green coffee

Roasting is a chemical process by which aromatics, acids, and other flavor components are created, balanced, or altered in order to increase the aroma, flavor, acidity, sweetness, and body of the coffee as desired by the roastmaster.

The first stage is endothermic, where the green grains absorb heat and we extract the rest of the water, becoming slightly yellow. This usually gives off a toasted bread or popcorn aroma. Then the grain develops until it reaches the first crack, which occurs at approximately 200°C. The grain doubles in size, acquires a light or medium brown, velvety, and dry color, and experiences a weight loss of about 12%. At this stage, the potential of the coffee will be maximized, between sweetness and flavor with an ideal balance of bitterness and acidity.


If we prolong the development time, we reach an exothermic new stage called the second crack. At this stage, the roasting color becomes darker, defined by the caramelization of sucrose. The bean takes on an oily sheen and tends to generate more intensity and bitterness when extracted in the cup (we don't roast coffee up to this point; we always stop after the first crack).

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The origin
coffee hunting

We know that the flavor and aromas of the best coffees come from the perfect selection and care during the entire process. From north to south, from the interior to the Atlantic forest, passing through ravines and steep terrain, coffee specialists take care that each one of them has unique flavors and characteristics that will change the way you enjoy a good coffee.

Our history begins in fertile lands where the best specialty coffees capture their essence from environmental conditions, climate, and soil, the Brazilian “ terroir ”. But also the care of the people who sustainably cultivate the best grains while maintaining strict quality and preservation of natural resources.

The beans are hand-picked and selected for size, density, color, and sensory attributes. All the care is taken to extract the fruits that are at the right point of ripening and are carefully selected to give the best flavor and the best quality of specialty coffees. Every selection process, separation of impurities, and drying must be followed very strictly in order to provide and retain such attributes.


Among the best coffees in the world!
Brazil a coffee nation

Brazil is the biggest exporter of coffee and the best coffee in the world. Responsible for one-third of world coffee production, about 47 million bags of 60 kg per year.

And varied, with fourteen main coffee-producing regions spread across seven states, the Brazilian bean is a diversity in itself. From Rondônia, Bahia (Planalto da Bahia, Cerrado da Bahia, and Atlântico Baiano), passing through Espírito Santo (Mountains of Espírito Santo and Conilon Capixaba), Minas Gerais (South of Minas, Cerrado Mineiro, Chapada de Minas, and Matas de Minas), in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo (Mogiana and Midwest), or even in Paraná (North of Pioneiro do Paraná).

With so many coffee-producing areas, you will find a wide diversity of varieties being grown: Bourbon, Mundo Novo, Icatú, Catuaí, Iapar, Catucaí, Topázio, Arara and many more.

You're sure to find a cafe you'll love in Brazil.

from Brazil to the world

The most important thing in Brazilian coffee export operations is the construction of a lasting relationship, which begins at the interface with the farms, roasting, and logistical partners and continues until the final destination, our coffee shops in different countries worldwide. Relationships are crucial to sourcing high-quality coffee, that is why we pay the right price and treat our growers as long-term business partners. We also build lasting relationships with our customers, large and small, and work to understand their individual needs, to ensure they have the right prices and the information they need to make coffee buying and marketing decisions.

Our roasted specialty coffee beans (250g and 3kg) are packaged in recyclable metalized PET/BOPP bags, with a valve designed to keep quality coffees for longer.

We ship specialty coffees in green beans in traditional 30/60 kg jute packaging. We also offer a selection of coffees in 30 kg paperboard packaging with a protective GrainPro, or polypropylene bag (a synthetic alternative to the traditional jute bag).

Our specialty coffees for export are offered from our warehouses in Brazil, directly to you, quickly and consistently, anywhere in the world.

We want to build partners
around the cup


We offer the best coffees from each region and for that, we maintain complete traceability from the cultivation to the purchase of the grain, farm, and product certifications, up to the roasting and cupping done by our specialists.

All information is available through the coffee identification number and QRCode.


We buy micro-lots of grain from small producers and rural cooperatives, encouraging their growth and development through fair trade.

We work with specialty coffees, members of ABIC (Associação Brasileira de Cafés), BSCA (Brazilian Specialty Coffee Association), and sustainable through the partnership with Rainforest.

Support and Training

We have dedicated professionals and partners to monitor the specific needs of each client, choosing the best coffees and generating value in your business.

Training based on beverage selection, cupping, extraction methods, as well as equipment adjustment and maintenance.

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